Text properties

To edit the text simply select the text box and double-click on it. A properties bar will appear on top of it.

Text properties

Normal – Adds normal tag
Paragraph – Adds paragraph tag
H1 – Adds H1 tag
H2 – Adds H2 tag
H3 – Adds H3 tag
H4 – Adds H4 tag
H5 – Adds H5 tag
H6 – Adds H6 tag
Blockquote – Adds blockquote tag


B – Bold
I – Italic
U – Underline
Ix – Remove formating
chain – Hyperlink
– Edit html
Lorem – Adds lorem ipsum text

For advanced properties go to Widget Properties Panel/Typography tab

Grid Widget

You’ll find Grid widget under Library Tab/Basic elements
ScrSht 2015-01-21 at 11.58.26

Choose the column count and simply drag the widget into your project.

To change the column count simply click on the icons.


You can control how wide are the gaps between columns.

Sometimes there are cases when you need one column wider than the other.

Now it’s possible to use grid widget as a gallery. Simply enable it with the toggle in the panel

The grid will understand and show images if the grid cell is an image or if the grid cell has a background image. For example, it will not show a text widget as a gallery image even if it’s in the grid next to images.