Adding background video

In Froont any widget where you can add a background image you can also add a background video.

To add a video select a widget and go to the Background properties of the widget (right-hand side panel) and paste the video URL:
Adding background video

Few things you should keep in mind when adding a background video:

  1. Use URL from the browser like in the case of Vimeo or in a case of YouTube. You don’t need the embed URL or anything else.
  2. To preview the video use Preview mode. In the editor itself, only the logo will be shown.
  3. If the user has a Vimeo Pro account, then there will be no sound.
  4. Background videos currently aren’t working with color overlays.

Open and clone this project to see a Background video in action.



This video tutorial will provide you with information about embedding Vimeo player in FROONT.


This video tutorial will provide you with information about embedding Youtube player in FROONT.


This video tutorial will show you how to add Soundcloud player to your page. All you’ll need to pick a song and find its embed code.


1. Go to
2. Enter the URL, including the ‘http://’ prefix.:

ScrSht 2015-01-12 at 19.57.13
3. Press Get Code
4. Select IFRAME tab and copy the code

ScrSht 2015-01-12 at 19.56.41

5. Select Add Content/Library/Basics and drag in the HTML widget
6. Double-click it and paste in the code
ScrSht 2015-01-12 at 20.15.50

Google maps

This video will provide you with information about adding Google Maps in FROONT.


This video tutorial will provide you with information about adding html widget and formatting text in html input field. You’ll learn the following things:

  • Creating an html widget;
  • Formatting text in html;
  • Creating a form in html.